Moves to the next event. If there are no more events, it returns false, otherwise, it throws true and the programmer can safely check which event s in the current queue.
Checking if any key is pressed in the current event.
Checking if any key is released in the current event.
Will return the key that was pressed. Returns zero if no key is pressed in the current event.
Returns the key at the moment the key was pressed, otherwise it returns zero.
Returns the key at the moment the key was released, otherwise it returns zero.
Check if the mouse button is pressed in the current event.
Check if the mouse button is released in the current event.
Returns the currently pressed or released mouse button.
Returns the mouse button at the moment the key was pressed; otherwise, it returns zero.
Returns the mouse button at the moment the key was released; otherwise, it returns zero.
Returns the position of the mouse in the window.
Returns in which direction the user is turning the mouse wheel. 1 - down, -1 - up, 0 - does not twist.
Indicates whether the window has been resized in this event.
Indicates whether the user is attempting to exit the program.
Indicates whether the user has entered text information.
User entered data.