Assembly module for some game algorithms.
Module for working with mathematical angles. Contains the translation of measurement systems, work in the form of determining the angle, vector rotation and more.
An module for describing animation (frame-by-frame, by changing rendering objects among themselves).
Module for animation of movement / frames and others. Contains a mutating variable and a function that depends on it.
Collision checker and collision points between forms.
Color manipulation module. Mixing, converting, parsing colors.
Component module. Components extend the functionality of instances, but independently of a specific one (at least so. Or only one group of instances).
A module for rendering your own objects on the canvas.
A module for listening to incoming events from the window manager for their subsequent processing.
Module for limiting the release of frames per second.
A module for playing and organizing a game cycle with a scene manager.
Module for loading a library of open graphics.
A module for manipulating pictures, processing and transforming them.
The module describing the unit of the object - Instance.
Object module for tracking some global events like timers, global event handlers, etc.
Resource loader module
A module for describing some local events by means of function attributes.
Matrix management module.
Add-on module for loading 2D puppets and displaying them in the game. <INP Format information
A module for rendering objects.
A module for connecting to the window manager and also loading the necessary libraries, everything that does runtime, to which other objects can access the necessary objects.
Scene description module.
Scene and instance control module.
A module for programming open graphics shaders.
This module describes shapes for drawing, checking and other things related to the work of shapes.
Module for loading and managing sound (in particular, playback).
Sprite unit description module.
Module for rendering text using the FreeType library.
A module for managing textures. Not to be confused with , which directly lie in RAM and can always be changed, unlike textures, which need to initialize or update texture data.
Module for loading maps in TMX format.
Small technologies assembly module for building a debug floating interface.
Module two-dimensional vectors.
The module for generating vertices for drawing open graphics by the library.
Implementation of cross-platform creation and management of a window.
Main package module