> TMX and TSX are Tiled’s own formats for storing tile maps and tilesets, based on XML.
> TMX provides a flexible way to describe a tile based map. It can describe maps with any tile size,
> any amount of layers, any number of tile sets and it allows custom properties to be set on most elements.
> Beside tile layers, it can also contain groups of objects that can be placed freely.
To load and render tile maps, use the following:
TimeMaptilemap = newTileMap();
render.draw(tilemap, Vecf(32, 32)); // Draws the layers at the specified location // (including offset, of course).
Module for loading maps in TMX format.
> TMX and TSX are Tiled’s own formats for storing tile maps and tilesets, based on XML. > TMX provides a flexible way to describe a tile based map. It can describe maps with any tile size, > any amount of layers, any number of tile sets and it allows custom properties to be set on most elements. > Beside tile layers, it can also contain groups of objects that can be placed freely.
To load and render tile maps, use the following:
TMX format documentation.
Authors implemetation: TodNaz