A method for adding an instance to an instance to expand functionality.
A method for adding an instance to an instance to expand functionality.
A function that returns a component based on its class.
Finds a component by its name.
Removes an instance. However, not immediately, this will only happen on the next iteration of the game loop for thread safety.
Detaches a component from an instance by finding it by class.
Detaches a component from an instance by finding it by name.
Detaches absolutely all components in this instance.
only for call.
A property indicating whether to handle all events for such an instance. If false, no event will be processed for this instance, however, it will exist. It is necessary if you do not need to delete the instance, but you also do not need to process its events.
Components of an instance, complementing its functionality.
The identifier of the layer in which the instance is placed. The render queue is affected, the larger the number, the later the instance will be rendered.
Instance identifier (often means storage location in an instances array).
Collision mask. A mask is a kind of geometric shape (or several shapes) that sets the collision boundary between other instances.
The name of the instance, by which you can later identify the collided or other events.
A property that indicates whether it is only necessary to draw the object without handling other events in it.
A property that indicates whether to transition to a new scene when transferring control to another scene.
The position of the instance. Serves for collision, rendering, and other instance services.
An auxiliary variable that remembers the position in the previous pass of the game loop.
A property that determines whether an instance can collide with other instances.
Instance sprite. Will be output at the position of the instance.
Instance tags. By this parameter, it is possible to distribute an instance about groups, for example, instances that should not let the player in upon collision will be marked with the "solid" tag, but not necessarily only non-living creatures should be used, and others who should not squeeze through are marked with such a tag. (This is an example, there is no such implementation in the framework).
The identifier for the instance in the stream. Shows which thread the instance is running on (changing the property does not affect thread selection).
A property that indicates whether to render the instance and perform rendering functions.
Instance object. Can be created for a render unit as well as for legacy with a programmable model.