Destroys the window and its associated data (not the structure itself, all values are reset to zero).
Hide a window in the plane of the desktop. (Can be tracked in the task manager.)
Changes the position of the window in the plane of the desktop.
Window resizing function.
Shows a window in the plane of the desktop.
Swap two buffers.
Whether the window is always on top of the others.
Whether the window is always on top of the others.
Frames around the window.
Frames around the window.
Grahphics context
Grahphics context
Window mode, namely whether windowed or full screen
Window mode, namely whether windowed or full screen
Window height
Dynamic window icon.
Whether the window can be resized by the user.
Whether the window can be resized by the user.
Window title.
Window title.
Window width
The position of the window in the plane of the desktop.
The position of the window in the plane of the desktop.
Window interaction interface. It does not provide its creation, it is created by a separate function within the interface implementation, in particular the initialize function.